Peter Samuelson peter at cadcamlab.org
Mon Jul 24 05:26:25 GMT 2000

[Yu-Kang Tsao <nathanatwork at yahoo.com>]
> I try to let other NT machine log in to that linux server through
> Reflection X.  So I choose SAMBA.  I would want to know that does
> SAMBA support XDMCP ?

XDMCP is a protocol for X servers to find out who in a given TCP/IP
broadcast domain is willing to give them a login session.  Samba is a
file server and general net.citizen on SMB networks.

The two have nothing in common.

As for "Reflection X", I haven't heard of it.  Presumably it's an X
server product for NT, right?

Typically XDMCP broadcasts are answered by `xdm' servers.  Probably
your Linux server includes at least one implementation of xdm.  (There
are at least four free implementations floating around, of which Debian
supports three.)  What you need to do is make sure xdm gets run on
boot, and that the relevant config file (which depends highly on Linux
flavor!) enables remote logins and XDMCP, with whatever access control
policy you feel comfortable with.


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