Files have 555 and they are deletable or is it a bug ?

Thomas Janker thomas at
Thu Jan 27 12:06:59 GMT 2000

Hello !

I've a problem with files which are set to 0555.
For example: two users (user1 and user2)
             two groups (usergroup1 usergroup2)
/daten/rechner/comp1 is set to 777.
User1 creates a file (test.txt) in the [files] share, which is correctly
set to 0555. It's owner is user1 and it's group is usergroup1.
Now user2 from usergroup2, who can correctly read but not edit test.txt,
can delete this file. I think the reason for this is the
/daten/rechner/comp1 directory, which is set to 777.
Is there any option that permits a not owner to delete files set to
0755, in direcorys set to 0777?

Here's al listing of my smb.conf:

	workgroup = SAMBA
	netbios name = SERVER
	map to guest = Bad User
	keepalive = 30
	socket options = TCP_NODELAY
	os level = 2
	security = USER
	password level = 0

	comment = Rechner_eigener_Share
	path = /daten/rechner/comp1
	readonly = no
	force create mode = 0755
        create mode = 0755
        force directory mode = 0755
        directory mode = 0755
	guest ok = Yes
	locking = Yes
	delete readonly = no
	public = yes
	browsable = yes

Thanks in advance

Thomas Janker

| Paranoia is    | Thomas Janker 		       /       /
| the belief in  | 				      /       /
| a hidden order | tom at		     /       /
| behind the     |      			    /   o   / 
| visible        |                                Oooo    oooO
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