Win2K Plain Text Passwords

Tim.Brennan at Tim.Brennan at
Wed Jan 26 19:14:28 GMT 2000

Ok, seems I jumped the gun and asked for help a little too soon.

After searching through the registry, I stumbled upon the key (it
was already there), and just had to set the value.

The key exists in HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet\Services\lanmanworkstation\paramaters
and there is an entry enableplaintextpassword (no CAPS).  Default value
is 0.  Switch it to 1, reboot, and you can connect.

If anyone knows of a better/different way, I'd like to hear about it.



				 Timothy Brennan
      .---.        .-----------  System Administration
     /     \  __  /    ------    Tim.Brennan at
    / /     \(  )/    -----      
   //////   ' \/ `   ---         Burlington Coat Factory
  //// / // :    : ---           1830 Route 130 North
 // /   /  /`    '--             Burlington, NJ 08016
//          //..\\   
           '//||\\`   Ph: (609) 387-7800 x1666   Fax: (609) 387-2764

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