Is reboot the only answer?

Herb Lewis herb at
Thu Jan 6 23:48:40 GMT 2000

Subba Rao wrote:
> Thanks for replying. Can you show me your [homes] share?
> My homes share looks as follow:

The only thins I have in homes is as follows (all the other
values are the defaults.

        comment = Home Directories
        read only = No
        browseable = No

If you run in user mode security you must remember to disconnect from
the other shares on that server before trying to connect as a different
user. NT only allows you to supply one set of credentials at a time.
(In share level security you can connect to as many as you want).
Herb Lewis                                   Silicon Graphics 
Networking Engineer                          2011 N Shoreline Blvd
Strategic Software Organization              Mountain View, CA  94043  
herb at                                 Tel: 650-933-2177                           Fax: 650-932-2177          

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