smbmount question

John Rousseau jrousseau at
Mon Feb 14 22:37:44 GMT 2000

I didn't see any reference to this in the archives, please point me
to the right documentation if I've missed something.

I'm using samba to mount Linux (Redhat 6.1 i386 2.2.12-20)
filesystems on my NT (4, SP6) box and it works fine.

However (you knew there was a however), when I mount an NT share
onto my Linux box (same two machines) with smbmount, the mount will
'go away' after about 15 minutes (maybe it's a certain amount of
idle time). 

All I get is "input/output error" when I do a 'df' or
'ls'. Unmounting and remounting will give me another time slice to
do some work.

Any ideas? Is the Linux box closing the connection or is the NT box?
Logs on both sides of the connection don't show anything.

Thanks for any help!

John Rousseau                               jrr at
SilverStream Software                                           
1 Burlington Woods                        Phone: +1 781 238 5564
Burlington, MA 01803                        Fax: +1 781 238 5499

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