smbd process fork

Laurent Sainte-Marthe smarthe at
Thu Apr 27 12:45:29 GMT 2000


 I have a question about fork mecanism of smbd process.
 I'm using samba 1.9.18 and it appears that smbd daemon
 forks a new process not only for each client (in my mind, a client
 is a machine) but for each connected user, even if they are logged
 on the same client.
 In version 2.0.6 I'm testing, it 's different :
 smbd daemon forks new process for each client. BUT, all users on a same
 client share the same smbd process (whose uid change) when they connect 
 to samba.
 Is this new behaviour normal ?
 Thanks for your helps
Laurent Sainte-Marthe			    GENOSCOPE - CNS
Tel : 01-60-87-25-00			 2, rue Gaston Cremieux
Fax : 01-60-87-25-14			 	CP 5706
Email : smarthe at	 91057 EVRY cedex  -  France

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