Samba and Windows NT Workstation

Tony Kotsanis tkotsanis at
Thu Apr 27 12:14:08 GMT 2000

Hello all members,

I try to manage a small local network composed of Windows Nt (v4.0 service
pack 6) workstations and a Linux file server.
On some workstations I always receive errors like:
       |    System Process - Lost Delayed-Write Data

       |         The system was attempting to transfer file data from
buffers to ..... The write operation failed, and only some of  |
       |         the data may have been written to the file.


After reading some explanation and documentation, I set the oplock to no.
But I still receive the same error.

When a NT workstation hangs when accessing a file in locking mode, this file
stay locked. I have to restart samba to unlock this file. Does exist an
other way to unlock those files?

Witch document is interesting to read for managing this type of network ?

Thanks to all.
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