2.0.6 security access mapping to NT ACL BUG

James Nord nord at cdt.luth.se
Tue Apr 11 13:54:41 GMT 2000


On 2.0.6 with windows 2000 the security ACL mapping doesn't work

On NT4 the mapping is (UNIX user,group, other) shown as
\\computername\group etc, but on 2000 this does not get mapped back and
results in

S1-453552-23234- etc (you know the Windows SID/groupID).

With stupid users on the network also pressing add on NT results in a
RPC DCE error call but in 2000 explorer crashes.
Shouldn't it be possible to return a failure without causing explorer to

Haven't tried this in TNG yet...


Technology is a word that describes something that doesn't work yet.
	Douglas Adams

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