security level flag...

Giulio Orsero giulioo at
Sat Jul 24 10:02:13 GMT 1999

On Sat, 24 Jul 1999 01:06:45 +1000, hai scritto:

>b. home directories accessible to the owners only from any PC on the net and 
>with samba asking for login and password;

>as far as the home dirs are concerned I set the following flags:
>[user name]
>   comment = Home of <user name>
>   path = /home/<user name>
>   public = no
>   writable = yes
>   printable = no
>and it didn't work.
>I tried to set up a username map as explained in the ENCRYPTION.txt but no 
>way: every time I tried to access the dir I get a message saying something 
>like "Account xxx is not allowed to access the dir..."...

What are you samba and win9x settings as regards to password encryption?

Try to logon to that share from AIX directly, with smbclient, and see what
smbclient '\\server\<user name>' -U <user name>

Just to eliminate every possible problem, try to login to win9x with the same
unix login name.

giulioo at

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