Long passwd not working with HPUX10.20 and Samba 2.0.2 (PR#13591)

Dirk De Wachter Dirk.DeWachter at rug.ac.be
Wed Feb 10 14:04:44 GMT 1999

> Can someone look at the file source/tests/cryypttest.c and
> try this test on their system. This is the way Samba
> decides if a crypt on a system needs to have the salt
> truncated to 2 characters.
> The trouble is, when I test this on my HPUX10.20
> system it tells me that the salt doesn't need to be
> truncated (it's using standard crypt, not bigcrypt).
Same here, both with bigcrypt and crypt. The problem may be that 
HPUX10.20 is just a version number. It might be more important to 
look at patch levels of the libraries.
My libc libs are from December 23, 1997. The libsec libraries are 
from June 3 (archive) or 4 (shared) 1997.
'what (1)' strings:
libc: PATCH-PHCO_13626 for 10.20
libsec: $Revision: $
> The problem is HPUX seems to have a couple of different
> ways of doing plaintext password authentication, the
> standard crypt mechanism, the bigcrypt mechanism.
I saw no difference for both mechanisms. I compiled the crypttest.c 
with and without -DHAVE_BIGCRYPT and with and without the libsec 

Best regards,

Dirk De Wachter

Dirk De Wachter, MScEE, MScBME, PhD      mailto:Dirk.DeWachter at rug.ac.be
scientific researcher, systems administrator     http://navier.rug.ac.be
Hydraulics Laboratory, Ibitech, University of Gent  voice:+32 9 264 3281
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent Belgium     faxto:+32 9 264 3595

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