Question about mounting[homes] on WfWg

William Sanders sanderws at
Fri Feb 5 19:30:15 GMT 1999

    Currently we are in the process of creating an environment where
people use WfWg, Win95, Win98, and WinNT.  This environment
uses roaming profiles and as such we need to be able to have each
user call their profile information from their home directories.  These
home directories are picked up from the UNIX Samba server.
        Now, on Win98 and below we do not have access to the
%username% variable.  This means, that we can't tell these OSs
to look in the share \\<Samba server name>\%username% for the
proper profile.  So, what we wanted to do was to generalize the
mount of the home directories so that the virtual path of a person's
home directory was the same no matter who was logging on.  To
accomplish this, we started mounting home directories using the
following command on the clients:

    net use j: \\<Samba server name>\homes

"Homes", as normal, represents [homes].  In Win95 and Win98
this fixed the problem so that when mounted you have:


with this being the proper home directory of the user logging in,
but with the directory being named the standard "homes".
    Our problem though, is that this fix does not work in WfWg.
In WfWg we can mount the user's home directory with the

    net use j: \\<Samba server name>\<username>

,so we know that we are connecting and authenticating
properly.  However, when we try to use "homes" instead of
the username, we are prompted for a password and then given
the message:

    Error 2403: This netname or password is invallid.

    Has anyone else run into this problem with WfWg???  Is
there a way to work around it?


            Will S.

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