Can anyone suggest a solution?

Martin Wheatley Martin.Wheatley at
Tue Feb 2 16:40:23 GMT 1999

Thankyou for taking the time to read this ...

We have large PC userbase and a not-so-large (but equally loud) Unix
user base. We have a requirement to "PopUp" information windows on ALL
our user's screens with an absolute minimum of manual intervention (ie
type the message once and then forget it).

We can manage the Unix X servers but can't seem to find a UNIX
application that will get th message(s) to our PC community.

Is there anything in Samba that would give us what we need?
or is there another UNIX application that will do what we want.

Our UNIX systems and Suns - running Solaris 2.6 & 7. The PCs
all have the MS messenger client installed.

 | Martin Wheatley       | Voice  : 44-(0)1235-464784                |
 | CODAS Division        | FAX    : 44-(0)1235-464404                |
 | JET Joint Undertaking | E-mail : Martin.Wheatley at           |
 | Abingdon              |-------------------------------------------|
 | Oxfordshire           |                                           |
 | OX14 3EA              |                                           |
 | United Kingdom        |                                           |

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