help with samba

Luca Domenella luca at
Fri Aug 27 17:10:19 GMT 1999

i changed ip to my server and then i cant connect anymore using _NT

this the error i got from the log file:

[root at server samba]# tail -f log.luca
[1999/08/27 19:07:05, 0] passdb/smbpassfile.c:trust_get_passwd(294)
  domain_client_validate: unable to read the machine account password for
machine SERVER in domain SATORI.
[1999/08/27 19:07:05, 1] smbd/password.c:pass_check_smb(528)
  smb_password_check failed. Invalid password given for user 'luca'
[1999/08/27 19:07:40, 0] passdb/smbpassfile.c:get_trust_account_password(202)
  get_trust_account_password: Malformed trust password file (wrong length -
was 0, should be 45).
[1999/08/27 19:07:40, 0] passdb/smbpassfile.c:trust_get_passwd(294)
  domain_client_validate: unable to read the machine account password for
machine SERVER in domain SATORI.
[1999/08/27 19:07:40, 1] smbd/password.c:pass_check_smb(528)
  smb_password_check failed. Invalid password given for user 'luca'
[1999/08/27 19:08:09, 0] passdb/smbpassfile.c:get_trust_account_password(202)
  get_trust_account_password: Malformed trust password file (wrong length -
was 0, should be 45).
[1999/08/27 19:08:09, 0] passdb/smbpassfile.c:trust_get_passwd(294)
  domain_client_validate: unable to read the machine account password for
machine SERVER in domain SATORI.
[1999/08/27 19:08:09, 1] smbd/password.c:pass_check_smb(528)
  smb_password_check failed. Invalid password given for user 'luca'

where is the error ??? before the configuration works.


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