map a subdirectory

Andreas Burkart andreas.burkart at
Fri Apr 23 09:53:53 GMT 1999

Hi all,

I want to map a subdirectory from a samba share direct to a drive letter on a NT4 SP4
box. Is this possible (and how) or not?

This should work like:
"net use x: \\server\share\abc\def\ghi"

"net use y: \\server\share"
"subst x: y:\abc\def\ghi"
"net use y: /delete"

The problem is, that the second variant don´t work under Win95 ("subst don´t work on a
network drive").

I heard, that DFS (distributed file system from M$) provides such a functionality and
under netware this is called "root mapped".

If this is not available under samba - is such a feature planed for a future version?

Tschuess ABu!

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