Dial in accounts (1883)
Stephen L Arnold
arnold.steve at ensco.com
Tue Nov 24 21:17:13 GMT 1998
When the world was young, Ole Holm Nielsen carved some runes like
> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 12:03:59 +0100
> From: Ole Holm Nielsen <Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk>
> Subject: Re: Dial in accounts
> Regarding remote network browsing:
> We have had mixed success browsing Network Neighborhood from
> PPP-connected Win95 PCs. Our servers are all SAMBA, no NT here :-)
> The Win95s have WINS-server defined correctly in the network
> setup (checked by running winipcfg). We wait a couple of
> minutes after establishing PPP-connection, then try to
> browse. Now, some Win95s (my OSR2.1, for example :-) browse
> without problems, but others with a supposedly similar
> setup cannot browse. Is the problem with older Win95
> versions, or something entirely different ? Note that
> we are all dialing in to the same IBM-8235 router, so
> everything ought to be the same, yet the Win95s seem to
> behave differently.
I can hazard a guess; I'll bet all your win95 clients have not had
all the MS updates (TCP/IP, network redirector, etc). Maybe some
are even win95a (pre-OSR/2). You should probably apply all the
currrent updates for OSR/2 networking stuff, and then apply the
same reg tweaks (TCP/IP stuff - MaxMTU, RWIN, etc) to all the
clients. Then you *may* get the same behavior...
For update info, links, etc, see:
The OSR/2 FAQ is at:
and some TCP/IP DUN tips can be found at:
There's a nice TCP/IP reg-tweaking tool at:
Hope this helps, Steve
Stephen L. Arnold Senior Systems Engineer
ENSCO Inc. email: arnold.steve at ensco.com
P.O. Box 5488 www: http://www.ensco.com
Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437 voice: 805.734.8232 x68838
fax: 805.734.4779
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