redirector timeout (actually sun y2k)

Gregory Hosler greg at
Tue Jul 7 08:57:47 GMT 1998

Been on holiday for the past 10 days / 2 wks, so did not get a chance to
follow-up on this sooner.

The problem was that when we applied the y2k patches, the patches overwrote the 
nfsd rc startup file, defaulting the nfsd simultaneous connection count to 16

as we are in a heavily nfs'ed environment, our older netd/nfsd rd startup file
had previously had this count upped to 32 or higher. once we reset this from 16 
to 32, our timeouts became a thing of the past.



On 02-Jul-98 David Collier-Brown wrote:
>Gregory Hosler <greg at> wrote:
>> Everything was running smoothly, and then I applied the solaris "y2k"
>> Now, most accesses to samba will hang for a minute or 2, before completing.
>> the event log I see messages like:
>>         The redirector has times out a request to <server name>
>> This did not used to happen. This is very puzzling, and quite annoying, to
>> have to wait 1 to 2 minutes for a directory or file access (each directory
>> or file access).
>       Has anyone adressed this yet?
>       In particular, has it been raised with Sun?
>       (
>David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
>185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
>Willowdale, Ontario   | davecb at,
>M2N 1Y3. 416-223-8968 |

E-Mail: Gregory Hosler <greg at>
Date: 07-Jul-98
Time: 16:24:528

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