Joining a Windows DC to a Samba AD Domain

miguel medalha medalist at
Mon Mar 27 15:23:17 UTC 2023

> I've just came across the following two pages on our wiki:

> <>
> <>

> To avoid giving bad guidance I've added two prominent warnings at the=20
> top of the pages. Is this sensible? Is this correct? Thoughts?

The phrasing of the warnings seems misleading to me. Are we talking =
about joining a Windows Server to a Samba AD domain or about joining a =
Windows AD DC to a Samba AD domain? This is what the warning says:

"Joining a Windows Server to a Samba AD domain is generally not recommended."

I guess it should be:

"Joining a Windows AD DC to a Samba AD domain is generally not  recommended"

As it is, the warning is disheartening because what it literally says is that joining a Windows Server to a Samba AD domain is not recommended, which is false as far as I know.

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