descriptor_add going through password_hash_add and both takes a long time

Matthieu Patou mat at
Sun May 24 11:48:14 MDT 2015

Hello Matthias & Nadya,

I was doing some profiling on some ldb actions.
I was using source4/scripting/devel/addlotscontacts to generate lots of 
contacts and in the mean time I used perf.
While analyzing the flame graph (attached) I realized that on 100% (on 
my machine) of my CPU time 18% was for doing the descriptor_add and 6% 
for password_hash_add.
It means that password_hash_add is accouting for 30% of descriptor_add 
which in turn is a big CPU consumer.

Is there a good reason why we go through this function ? Is it because 
it's bellow in the module stack ?


Matthieu Patou
Samba Team

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