WIP: Putting the smb.conf in zookeeper

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 18:36:07 MST 2015

Hi folks,

Attached is a patch that now seems to work well enough.

I can do:

    net conf setparm global realm rjsdom.local


    net conf list
        load printers = no
        realm = rjsdom.local
        log level = 10
        workgroup = rjsdom
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        netbios name = rjssrv
        security = ads

To set this up you need the following in the smb.conf:

    registry backend replace = HKLM\SOFTWARE\Samba\smbconf=zookeeper
    registry backend zookeeper:hostPort = localhost:2181
    registry backend zookeeper:prefix = /samba

Replace localhost:2181 with the list of zookeeper nodes in your
environment, I think it needs to be a comma-separated list. With
respect to the prefix, replace /samba with whatever path you use to
the samba config.

There is still more work to do here, of course. For example, I would
like to do away with the mt version of the zookeeper libraries and use
the st (single thread) version.

You will need to apply both patches. Start with the Add-init-and-cleanup one ...

Richard Sharpe
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