MS-SMB2 preview document available

Tom Talpey ttalpey at
Wed Sep 3 13:27:20 MDT 2014


In advance of the SNIA Storage Developers Conference, Microsoft has published a preview of our SMB2 protocol updates. The document is up at the usual location:

You'll see that we are defining a new dialect, 3.1, with a focused set of features improving pre-authentication integrity, negotiable encryption, and support of the AES-128-GCM cipher, among other features. The major content-related changes since the previous publication cycle (May 2014) are marked in red text, for easier reading.

Please be aware this is only a preview, and there may certainly be later additions, differences from what we may eventually ship in Windows, and even current issues with the text. These will be updated as time goes by and the preview becomes the official document. Like our many previous previews, we hope it gives you a head start in your understanding and planning for the future. Look for our presentation at SDC, and the plugfest itself, to provide additional information.


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