Shell script escape when new user is created
Rowland Penny
repenny241155 at
Fri Nov 14 14:34:36 MST 2014
On 14/11/14 20:34, Greg Zartman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Rowland Penny
> <repenny241155 at <mailto:repenny241155 at>> wrote:
> The reason that RHEL (and therefore Centos) doesn't have Samba AD
> packages, is that they want to use MIT kerberos and not Heimdal.
> They have the client side of it working, but they are still having
> to work on the AD side.
> I was just trying to point out that distros like ours are just now
> getting their hands on Samba 4.
No you are not, SME is based on Centos, Centos is badge engineered RHEL,
RHEL does not have a Samba AD DC package. You could have been at this
point 2 years ago, I know I had a Samba4 AD DC running on Scientific
Linux nearly 2 years ago (for those who don't know SL is another RHEL
> I haven't seen anybody else asking for this type of enhancement
> and I am not saying that it wouldn't be a good idea, I just voiced
> my personal opinion that it will be low down the list of things to do.
> They are talking about it right now because we've been recently asked
> to join a Centos SIG to come up with a solution. Why people aren't
> posting those questions on this mailing list, I don't know.
Because you are trying to bend S4 to suit SME and everybody else is
working with it i.e. Zentyal, Univention. It might be an idea to create
a hook for creating extra user attributes, but this will have to be by
way of schema extensions and these will have to work with a Windows AD
server. There are numerous other things that require the devs time and
attention, sysvol syncing for instance, but they will get to them, as
and when they can. We users will just have to wait, we cannot demand
they do anything, we can suggest, plead etc, but the ball is in their
court. I personally think that they have done a marvellous job so far
and cannot applaud them more, so in this instance, put up, or shut up.
This is just my opinion.
> --
> Greg J. Zartman
> Board Member
> Koozali SME Server.
> SME Server user and community member since 2000
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