Samba4 Linux user has two uid's [SOLVED}
steve at
Sat Jun 8 14:05:00 MDT 2013
On Tue, 2013-04-02 at 19:11 +0100, Rowland Penny wrote:
> >
> >
> OK, I can now get the same uid & gid numbers on the server and clients,
> to do this was in fact very easy, DON'T USE WINBIND, use sssd instead.
> Example:
> On the Samba4 server:
> getent passwd rowland
> rowland:*:1201401105:1201400513:rowland:/home/DOMAIN/rowland:/bin/bash
> On the client:
> getent passwd rowland
> rowland:*:1201401105:1201400513:rowland:/home/DOMAIN/rowland:/bin/bash
> Rowland
Hi Rowland
Sorry to pull this one out after such a long time. Were these numbers
from AD or what sssd produced? I ask because they now have the AD
backend working with the sssd beta and I got similar high numbers: with
the last few digits matching what I actually had in AD-in this case
1105, the rid for the user and 513 which looks like Domain Users. This
was testing the ad backend with sssd 1.9.5. With beta1, it now pulls
exactly what we have in AD.
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