upgradeprovision output and help messages

Matthieu Patou mat at samba.org
Fri Jan 7 15:29:29 MST 2011

On 05/01/2011 04:57, Michael Wood wrote:
> Hi
> I'm going through the upgradeprovision script to see if I can improve
> the wording a little.  There are some things I am unsure of, though.
> The help message for --setupdir says "directory with setup files".
> What are "setup files" in the context of upgradeprovision?
> The help message for --debugguess is identical to the one for
> --debugchange.  I suspect the --debugguess one should say something
> like "Print information on which values are guessed"?
> In sanitychecks() the following message is printed:
> "No DC found, your provision is most probably hardly broken !"
> I assume this is supposed to be something like "very broken"?  Or
> "completely broken"?  Or maybe just "broken".
> Anyway, I've attached a patch.  Please apply it if you are happy with
> the changes.
Thanks !
Signed it off.


Matthieu Patou
Samba Team        http://samba.org
Private repo      http://git.samba.org/?p=mat/samba.git;a=summary

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