S3 machine account and keytab

Matthieu Patou mat+Informatique.Samba at matws.net
Sun Mar 21 13:58:29 MDT 2010


This is not 100% a technical question feel free to throw me to #samba ...
I'm thinking to use kerberised ssh, for this I need a principal and a 
keytab. I was first thinking to add the ssh/hostname at REALM to the 
machine account and then export the keytab. But I think it will be a 
problem when the password change as the kvno won't be ok.

Of course there is the option to not make the password of the 
workstation expire but somehow I don't think it's a very good idea (am I 
wrong ?).

Is there an option for an host to export his password + principal as a 
keytab ?


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