Samba4 - Error when vampiring from existing 2003 domain controller - Failed to attach 1st pass schema from DRS

Frank Gruman fgatwork at
Mon Aug 2 09:48:41 MDT 2010

Hello all,

Still plugging through with Samba 4 and I have had some good luck with standalone DC testing.  Unfortunately, I am struggling with an error that is beyond me during the vampire phase of getting my install to vampire from a current AD controller.

Here is a snippet of the output (when running net vampire myDomain.local -Uadministrator --realm=myDomain.local -d3)

Analyze and apply schema objects
Schema for DRS tests using python
ERROR: no subClassOf for 'msExchOWAVirtualDirectory'
Failed to attach 1st pass schema from DRS.
libnet_BecomeDC() failed - NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
A transaction is still active in ldb context [0xd24ec0] on /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/python/samba/netcmd/", line 99, in _run
    return*args, **kwargs)
  File "bin/python/samba/netcmd/", line 51, in run
    (domain_name, domain_sid) = net.vampire(domain=domain, target_dir=target_dir)

Any thoughts or help on getting through this?  Unfortunately, when I get stuck here I then have to go back through AD's ntdsutil to clean up the partial DC record.  Is there a possibility of picking up where it left off?  I don't think there is, but have to ask to make sure I'm not completely ignorant.


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