[PATCHS] upgradeprovision

Matthieu Patou mat+Informatique.Samba at matws.net
Sat Dec 12 11:55:26 MST 2009


You can find at:


4 Patches for upgrade provision:

60ab420 s4: rename res/res2 to something more explicit
3bd89f2 s4: upgradeprovision handle renaming and knownobjects
ae5c9e4 s4: upgradeprovision rename also when there is a mismatch on the 
case of name attribute
8bc1f8b s4: reorder action to permit old provision to be correctly upg

The first is mostly a cosmetic upgrade but still it's a very usefull one 
since I found harder and harder (and more error prone) to have close 
name like res/res2 to refer to current or reference provision.

The three others are there for handeling better older provision, 
espcialy patch ae5c9e4 was driven by the bug report 6969.

Let me know !


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