obtain data for ms-DS-ReplicatesNCReason

Crístian Viana cristiandeives at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 12:49:18 MST 2009


I'm working on the field ms-DS-ReplicatesNCReason of an nTDSConnection
object, and according to MS-ADTS section, it is a bit
field with possible values indicating some information about the connection.

some of the values are:

- NTDSCONN_KCC_RING_TOPOLOGY: The connection object is created to form a
ring topology.
- NTDSCONN_KCC_MINIMIZE_HOPS_TOPOLOGY: The connection object is created to
minimize hops between replicating nodes.

and so on.

where, in Samba 4 code, can I find that information to put it on the
ms-DS-ReplicatesNCReason field during replication? I have no idea where I
can query topology-related data.


Crístian Deives dos Santos Viana [aka CD1]

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