Samba and Application Response Measurement (ARM 4.0)

Sven Kubiak sk at
Sun Mar 23 18:03:11 GMT 2008

After looking at all (well, most of) the "PROFILE stuff" i think this is the
best way to implment the monitoring we are looking for. From the measuring
point of view, the profiling does the same as ARM. The only difference is
that we want to break down measuring into a set of calls, e.g. a specific
client which is mounting a network drive as one "transaction". As i see it,
Samba profiling counts and measures the specific smb commands in total.
Please correct me, if i am wrong.

Unfortunatly i didn't get the profiling to work, yet. I used the
configuration option --with-profile and enabled profiling using smbcontrol,
but didn't find any output so far. Does the profiling uses a seperate
logfile or do i have to setup a monitor like pcp? Is the pcp example coming
with Samba 3 still up to date?

I found and old release note for Samba 2.2.1, which mentioned that the
profile collection degradation was about 8.5%. Is this still correct for
Samba 3?


On 17.03.08 18:05 "Volker Lendecke" wrote <Volker.Lendecke at SerNet.DE>:

> On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 05:56:47PM +0100, Sven Kubiak wrote:
>> Okay, focusing on the calls makes much more sense, than looking for all
>> functions in the source code which are responsible for a specific samba
>> service.
>> To find the right calls we'd like to measure using a sniffer is the less
>> difficult part. What is more difficult is the right place to start with.
>> I guess i was wrong looking at source/profile/profile.c which seems to be
>> responsible (among other things) for handling the user profile. I found the
>> vfs_* modules in source/modules which i will look into asap, but i didn't
>> found the "PROFILE stuff" Volker mentioned.
> You might grep for all START_PROFILE and END_PROFILE macro
> calls in smbd/*.c. For the definitions, see
> include/smbprofile.h. With quite a bit of macro magic, they
> expand into code that increments the profile_p struct in
> profile/profile.c line 38.
> Volker

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