Soc: Configuration backends

Mingwang mingwxia at
Wed Jun 28 01:27:38 GMT 2006

Ok here is the project status:
           +legacy interface to access parameters done.
                   .Part of default global&per-service parameters in xml
                   .Convert the xml to elektra databse.
                   .Implement all global and local lp_** functions
based on loadparm.c including
                        integer,string,const string and list type.
                   .It works standalone compiled with source/conf/Makefile.
           +new interface prototype partly defined
                   .char *getGlobalParam(char*szParamName);
                    char *getServiceParam(ServiceCtx *serviceCtx,char *szParam);
                    char *setGlobalParam(char*szParamName);
                    char *setServiceParam(ServiceCtx *serviceCtx,char *szParam);
                  .For now GlobalParam() are implemented with no global context.
 In the coming days, the contex will be defined(the caller should
provide it) and later implemented then intergrated as a part.

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