r16787 -- remove fstrings and use talloc

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at samba.org
Wed Jul 5 13:17:35 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1


> I checked in the rewrite. It might not work but it's
> better than what we had.

If it doesn't work, it's worse than what we had.  I wish
you wouldn't rewrite stuff without testing it.  When any of
us do this, it only encourages others (inside and outside
the team) to do the same.  I trust you to finish
it up but I also have worked with you enough to be scared
by comments like this one. The fact that gd had to fix
the builds of idmap_rid and idmap_ad is really a bad sign.

I'm not running trunk until I know you have finished
testing your code and I will vote against cutting trunk
over to SAMBA_3_0 until that point.

Sorry to be rude, but I'm a little more than annoyed
at your response on the list.  You never do anything
with winbindd and then decide to rewrite the idmap
interface in one day without talking to anyone.  I told
Volker I would review Simo's work after the 4th.  Everything
was under control.

cheers, jerry
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