Announcing Samba 4.0.0TP1

Kerie jksambaml at
Thu Jan 26 15:55:53 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

When I just checked out Samba 4 I noticed a small error that's still
in WHATSNEW.txt, namely:

"SWAT provides easy provides access to our
setup and migration tools."

Here your using a double provides where one would do just fine. Just
FYI so it can be corrected for the next TP.

Jeroen Keiren

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
| We have just uploaded the first technology preview of Samba 4.
| Samba 4 is the ambitious next version of the Samba suite that is being
| developed in parallel to the stable 3.0 series. The main emphasis in
| this branch is support for the Active Directory logon protocols used
| by Windows 2000 and above.
| Samba 4 is currently not yet in a state where it is usable in
| production environments. Note the WARNINGS, and the STATUS file,
| which aims to document what should and should not work.
| With 3 years of development under our belt since Tridge first proposed
| a new Virtual File System (VFS) layer for Samba3 (a project which
| eventually lead to our Active Directory efforts), it was felt that we
| should create something we could 'show off' to our users.  This is a
| Technology Preview (TP), aimed at allowing users, managers and
| developers to see how we have progressed, and to invite feedback and
| support.
| Please read the file WHATSNEW.txt in the tarball for more details.
| ================
| Download Details
| ================
| The uncompressed tarball and patch files have been signed
| using GnuPG (ID 1EEF5276).  The source code can be
| downloaded from:
| The release notes are available online at:
| There are currently no binary packages available. Debian packages will
| be uploaded to the experimental distribution later today. No packages
| for other distributions have been planned yet.
| Users are encouraged to report the issues they encounter. Again, see
| the WHATSNEW.txt file for details.
| Enjoy,
|     The Samba 4 developers.
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