VOTE: proposal to strip out pdb_context and pdb_methods chaining

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at
Tue Feb 14 12:53:25 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1


Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

> I don't think the overhead is that big. It's simply 
> an extra parameter to all the passdb function calls. The '
> only problem is that all the code that uses the
> passdb simply calls functions that then call the 'real'
> functions with a static context. The only problem I 
> see is the pdbedit -i -e stuff, which would be broken
> by this, though that could probably be fixed by having
> some kind of dump format.

I think you are Andrew are rasing the same concern.
(Andrew, I'll just reply to you message here as well).
The concern fo overhead is not performance, but maintenance
and debugging.  You have to steps through about 3 layers
of function pointers to get to the real code implementing
a function.  And when you change thje API, you have to
change it in all three layers.  That's too much.

The pdb_context layer really only provides chaining of
passdb modules.  The export/import functionality in pdbedit
is pretty easily provided without the extra layer of
abstraction.  However, I am proposing to move to a dump
format that could be used for backups as well as conversion.
That is a different thread.

At the moment, I have broken import/export in pdbedit, but
it will be cleared up before 3.0.22 so we won;t actually
be throwing away any functionality.  Just simplifying the

>> Sorry.  But the voting closed a few days ago while 
>> you were on vacation and the changes have been
>> checked in.
> Oops. Sorry about that. I guess I'm not really entitled to 
> a vote here anyhow as I'm no longer working on that code.

No.  not at all.  Everyone has a vote or else I wouldn't
have posted to an open list :-)

cheers, jerry
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