vfs_handle_struct->data usage

Junji Kanemaru at LinuxML linux at linuon.com
Mon Apr 24 03:08:08 GMT 2006

For the people who gave me the info, thanks!

The "data" member seemed designed that way but wanted
to make sure if it is used in some other purpose.

> What do you want to achieve with your module? You might want
> to start from the full_audit module, there all operations
> are redirected.

I looked into full_audit code and found I should start based on it.
It is highly configurable so. Thanks for pointing me to it.

By the way the output messages generated by full_audit look
like formatted in some manner that tokens are separated with
'|'(pipe). Is it designed for some parser that's already been
used somewhere?
I'd like to have output messages more readable form like:

smbd_audit: opendir("My Document"): result="success" user="nobody"
host= ...

You'd say it makes things slower and memory consumption
should be concerned though.

I'll post patch for full_audit for people review when it's done.

-- Junji Kanemaru
Linuon Inc.
Tokyo Japan

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