WINS redunancy

Brett Simpson Simpsonb at
Thu Apr 21 14:05:26 GMT 2005

I was looking through the Samba documentation and noticed that there isn't any support for redundant WINS servers. Is that still the case? If so I'm thinking about writing a Perl script that will use a FIFO for the wins.dat as a form of redundancy.

Basically anything that Samba does to the wins.dat will be processed by a perl fifo that then stores it into a FileCache, checks if it exists in another server(s) that is running the same perl daemon.

Samba -> wins.dat (FIFO) -> Add or Delete WINS.DAT entry from local FileCache
                                          -> Synchronize change with partner server(s)
                                          -> Listen for changes from partner server(s)

Are there any other files I need to worry about like the browse.dat? Has someone already done this?


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