i18n question.
Simo Sorce
simo.sorce at xsec.it
Mon Mar 8 16:31:42 GMT 2004
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 17:16, Benjamin Riefenstahl wrote:
> Hi Simo,
> Simo Sorce <simo.sorce at xsec.it> writes:
> > What's the problem in beeing charset agnostic (with some rules of
> > course) ?
> The problem is that some of the FE encodings and the variant of UTF-8
> mandated on Mac OS X don't conform to all of the rules stated before
> on this thread. So things get complicated with exceptional handling,
> work-arounds, #ifdefs and even add-on modules.
Which rules does not conform exactly please? (real question I'm simply
not an expert of Mac OS X)
> This is, after all, the reason why Unicode and UTF-8 were invented in
> the first place. Because being really encoding agnostic is hard in
> practice.
Yes but have to live with filesystems not able to support utf8
> > I would really like to know where really is the problem we are
> > trying to fix with this proposal :-)
> I am not yet proposing anything tangible. Just trying to find out why
> some of the strategies that I know about were not or can not be
> applied.
> I came to the list some time ago because I used to have problems
> porting Samba 3 to Mac OS X 10.2 because of a variant of the issues
> discussed now. (Note that when Apple ported Samba 3 to 10.3, they
> actually used an early release candidate, maybe in part because of the
> fast-path optimizations in later versions which broke Samba 3 on Mac
> OS X.)
> Some of the things said in this discussion sounded more like gut
> reactions than the results of investigation, so I tried to add input.
> When people say "this-or-that doesn't work" I propose ideas based on
> my own my experience. I expect that ideas have to be investigated in
> context and even tried out to be really usefull and they can't be
> implemented right away. But OTOH I don't like to accept a blanket
> "doesn't work" without good reason. Even if there is a good reason
> against some strategy, it's good to know that reason.
have you read my post that explain why it is not good for us to have a
unix charset AND an internal charset that are not the same charset ?
I sent it on Mon, 08 Mar 2004 17:16:05 +0100
> > Truth is: the code is vast. Changing the internals of such code is
> > a _big_ operation, you can't do that in a few days of hacking ...
> No, of course not. But I expect that adding optimizations based on
> assumptions that do actually *not* cover all cases isn't making it
> easier either.
If the optimization break any charset then it is a bug we need to fix
> In the short run you get to name the string constants. I value that
> for its documentation value (if the names are chosen wisely). In the
> medium run it can pay to look at the ways that those constants are
> used and making sure that all the places that use them, use them
> consistently and correctly.
> You can achieve the same with thorough commenting and code review, but
> just having to name the strings can make it much more obvious.
Ok, thanks.
Simo Sorce - simo.sorce at xsec.it
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