winbind and idmap ldap

Benoit Panizzon bp at
Tue Jul 6 15:18:13 GMT 2004

Hi all

There's this situation:

W2k ADS (no changes are allowed to the schema, so no Posix Data to be saved 
there) All users are managed via ADS and are only to be managed there (no 
separate manualy managed Database for ID Mapping)

2 Un*x servers runing samba 3.x with winbind being used as Fileservers.

Using the filebased winbind idmap the same user could be assigned two 
different Unix UID's on each server which is what we want to avoid.

I've read what I could find about LDAP idmap and unfortunately that was not 
very much (if somebody know a good how-to or docs to that topic, please point 
me there)
So there is my question:

- Do you have to specify the idmap on the ldap server or is it generated on 
the fly like the file based map?

Benoît Panizzon, <bp at>
ImproWare AG, UNIXSP & ISP                     Phone: +41 61 826 93 00
Zurlindenstrasse 29                            Fax:   +41 61 826 93 01
CH-4133 Pratteln                               Net:

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