libsmbclient multiple processes ... very confused.

Richard Sharpe rsharpe at
Mon Jun 16 22:57:57 GMT 2003

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Akshay V Rao wrote:

> I first had a deadlock when reading files using multiple forked process 
> from a single smb share. I thought it was due to the fact that I called 
> smbc_init before i forked the processes, and used shared memory to 
> communicate common data.  I then proceeded to rectify this by issuing the 
> smbc_init call after forking - in the individual foked processes, so they 
> are in different address spaces.  I still however, run into a deadlock 
> problem. When running the program set to 1 process, it works fine.  When 
> running the program set to 2 processes, it freezes.  I was wondering if 
> anyone could help me.  I am using Samba 2.2.7a.  Does Samba 3.0 take care 
> of this problem?


I think that we are going to need to see what is happening at the protocol 
level to figure this out. 

Can you grab a tcpdump capture or something like that of the packet 
activity that occurs, and send it to us along with what an outline of what 
you think each process should be doing.

In answer to your question, there should be no significant differences 
between the libsmbclient code in 2.2.7a, 2.2.8a and 3.0.0, especially with 
respect to what you are doing.

Richard Sharpe, rsharpe[at], rsharpe[at], 

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