Looking for answers....

Tait Shrum tshrum at bryant.dsc.k12.ar.us
Wed Jun 4 20:11:44 GMT 2003

David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering wrote:

> [Redirected to the general samba list]
>   One of the things which Samba provides is a facility
> to run a "preexec" script before allowing a user to connect
> to a directory, and refuse to make the conenction if
> the script returns a non-zero result.
>   This can prevent someone from logging on twice,
> limit them to specific hours, from conencting to
> the wrong directory and so on.
>   In addition, one can set "valid users" so that only
> the owner of a directory can connect to it.
>   Of course, the students then just copy their work to
> floppies and pass them around, something that
> Samba can't prevent (;-))
> --dave
> Tait Shrum wrote:
>> We use Samba heavily in our schools.  We have one area left that is 
>> still using Novell Netware 4.11 - our business education dept.  We 
>> want to move them over to Samba, but they have made us question if 
>> samba can do some of the things Netware can do.  They want to specify 
>> when a user logs in.  They have kids logging in during one period, 
>> finishing their work, then in the following period another kid logs 
>> in as their friend who just finished the work and copies it.  They 
>> don't want that to happen next year.
>> They also are needing some specific group based login scripts.  For 
>> instance if member of B11G1 then do a bunch of stuff....  Can you do 
>> that with Samba 2.2.8 or do we have to go with 3.0 alpha.
>> If you can do these things with the current release of Samba, can you 
>> tell me how?  Thanks!
>> Tait Shrum
Thanks for your reply.  I understand what you are saying, but I don't 
know how to implement it at this point.  Can you or anyone else help me 
with that?
Tait Shrum

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