Samba 3 CVS & Quota

Alexander Bokovoy a.bokovoy at
Wed Jul 23 09:07:19 GMT 2003

On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 10:28:14AM +0500, Alex Murphy wrote:
> Hello !!!
>   Im compile and use Samba 3 compit with CVS.
> in smb.conf searched this lines:
> 	get quota command =
> 	set quota command =
> what use this command lines ??
> Sorry, im bad speak english.
I'm attaching a first version of documentation for those commands. The
documentation will be added to CVS as I'll have time tonight.
/ Alexander Bokovoy
You want brutality and heuristics?  I'll give you brutality and heuristics...

	- Eric S. Raymond on linux-kernel
-------------- next part --------------
get quota command

The get quota command setting should only be used on systems where no quota api is avalable or problem occurs with the internal disk quota functions.

This setting allows the replacement of the internal routines to get the disk quotas with an external routine.

The external program will be passed the following paramters:
directory path (\"%s\")	: indicating a directory in the filesystem being queried.
quota type (%d)		: indicating the type of the quotas.
			  user quotas (1)
			  user default quotas (2)
			  group quotas (3)
			  group default quotas (4)
quota id (%d)		: the user uid or group gid or (-1) for the default quotas

The script should return the following parameters in ASCII (in one line):
quota flags (%u)	: to say if quotas enabled.
			  quotas disabled (0)
			  quotas accounting enabled (1)
			  quotas accounting and enforcement enabled (2)
current blocks (%llu)	: the currently used blocks
softlimit blocks (%llu)	: the quota block softlimit
hardlimit blocks (%llu)	: the quota block hardlimit
current inodes (%llu)	: the currently used inodes
softlimit inodes (%llu)	: the quota inodes softlimit
hardlimit inodes (%llu)	: the quota inodes hardlimit
block size (%llu)	: (optional) the block size, the default is 1024 bytes

Note: On systems where %llu is not available %lu is used.

Note: Your script should NOT be setuid or setgid and should be owned by (and writeable only by) root!

Default: By default internal routines for determining the disk quotas will be used. 

Example: get quota command = /usr/local/samba/bin/get_quota

set quota command

The set quota command setting should only be used on systems where no quota api is avalable or problem occurs with the internal disk quota functions.

This setting allows the replacement of the internal routines to set the disk quotas with an external routine.

The external program will be passed the following paramters:
directory path (\"%s\")	: indicating a directory in the filesystem being queried.
quota type (%d)		: indicating the type of the quotas.
			  user quotas (1)
			  user default quotas (2)
			  group quotas (3)
			  group default quotas (4)
quota id (%d)		: the user uid or group gid or (-1) for the default quotas
quota flags (%u)	: to say if quotas enabled.
			  quotas disabled (0)
			  quotas accounting enabled (1)
			  quotas accounting and enforcement enabled (2)
softlimit blocks (%llu)	: the quota block softlimit
hardlimit blocks (%llu)	: the quota block hardlimit
softlimit inodes (%llu)	: the quota inodes softlimit
hardlimit inodes (%llu)	: the quota inodes hardlimit
block size (%llu)	: (optional) the block size, the default is 1024 bytes

The script should return one line of unspecified bytes in ASCII (in one line):
e.g. echo "Ok" ; exit(0);

Note: On systems where %llu is not available %lu is used.

Note: Your script should NOT be setuid or setgid and should be owned by (and writeable only by) root!

Default: By default internal routines for setting the disk quotas will be used. 

Example: set quota command = /usr/local/samba/bin/set_quota

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