Very bad performance when copying large files from windows to samba-share
Ulf Bertilsson
ulf.bertilsson at
Tue Jun 25 04:02:02 GMT 2002
Any good urls to get better understanding of this ? :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Esh, Andrew [mailto:AEsh at]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 5:01 PM
To: 'Lars Heineken'; samba-technical at
Subject: RE: Re: Very bad performance when copying large files from
windows to samba-share
Yes, that's normal. the NBSS messages are the continuation data that
does not fit into the first SMB Write packet. If you total their sizes,
subtracting header information, the result will be equal to the Write
Count stated in the SMB WriteRaw request which is sent in the beginning.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Heineken [ mailto:Lars.Heineken at]
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 7:19 AM
To: samba-technical at
Subject: Re: Re: Very bad performance when copying large files from
windows to samba-share
Hi !
Sorry for being late.
I did the ethereal-capturing. What looks very strange on first sight:
About 6 of 10 packest are described as: NBSS Continuation Message.
Sometimes there are 6 of them one after another.
Is this normal ?
Lars Heineken.
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