Proposal to add ldap flexability in DIT layout

Matthew Geddes mgeddes at
Mon Jan 14 20:37:09 GMT 2002

Michael Cunningham wrote:

> Example: 
> People accounts in "uid=something, ou=people, dc=xpedite, dc=com"
> Computer accounts in "uid=something, ou=computers, dc=xpedite, dc=com"
> Search base is "dc=xpedite, dc=com"

It looks like you want to be able to do a 'sub' search type (-s sub 
command line option with openldap tools). I'm not sure what the default 
search type is for Samba these days, but when LDAP was originally 
working (12-18 months ago?), the default was sub. Have you tried to 
split your LDAP tree as you have described? Does it not work?

I've just had a quick look and it does look like the LDAP search scope 
is LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, which is what you're after.

Hope it helps,

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