winbindd architecture

Tim Potter tpot at
Thu Feb 21 09:44:02 GMT 2002

On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 09:36:43AM +0200, Yuval Yeret wrote:

> > Nmbd needs to be running on the local system as there are some lookup
> > requests send by winbindd that are sent by Windows NT domain 
> > controllers
> > to the incorrect port which is a bug in Windows.  Nmbd receives these
> > packets and stores them in a database (unexpected.tdb) which winbindd
> > reads from.
> Let's say I have a shared file system between the systems where nmbd and
> winbindd is running, and I'm using virtual IPs so the source IP of the
> request from winbindd is the same as the IP of the nmbd, It seems
> possible to have the nmbd write the packets to unexpected.tdb and then
> have winbindd use that file as if it was local.
> Any reason (beyond the virtual IP stuff, which I guess I'll have to
> check out and see whether I can hack enough) why this shouldn't work ? 

That sounds like it will work.  You may also have to share
winbind_idmap.tdb as well to ensure the rid <-> [ug]id mappings are the
same across all members of the cluster.


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