Enabling access to SWAT

Derk-Jan Hartman dj at 14b.nl
Fri Mar 30 01:11:13 GMT 2001

I have a question that I'm sure of you ppl can answer.
I'm setting up a small network and my fellow admins need to be able to
access SWAT once in a while.

Now how do I enable other users then root to edit shares and stuff?
I tried changing permissions on swat and smb.conf and adding there name to
the list of admin users in the global section of my server. It didn't work,
so what am I doing wrong here.

Universiteit Twente
Derk-Jan 'The DJ' Hartman
ICQnr: 10111559
Mail:  mailto:dj at 14b.nl
WWW:   http://home.student.utwente.nl/d.hartman/
Goto:  http://www.student.utwente.nl/~macsatcampus

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