Ownership of Samba code [Was: Re: VxFS quotas]

James A.Sutherland jas88 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Mar 28 09:27:29 GMT 2001

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:54:15 +0100, you wrote:

>> The BSD license says that the code may be reused provide that you mention
>> the copyright holder, so branching it and adopting GPL license wouldn't
>> fall in this definition?
>I really do not want to get involved in a license religious war, but I would
>like to point to this typical BSD license condition:
> * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
> *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
>So, in simple terms, no, you cannot "just branch" and change it.
>But OTOH in real terms, you can if you are careful and ringfence old and new

One caveat: those are the **OLD** BSD license terms. The "advertising
clause" you mention was dropped a while ago. Some projects will still
be using this version, of course, but it is NOT just "the BSD license"
any more - it's an old version thereof...


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