smb URL syntax brain teaser

Allen, Michael B (RSCH) Michael_B_Allen at
Tue Mar 20 01:04:59 GMT 2001

Regarding the smb URL syntax finalized on this list.
The syntax cannot be parsed. This is because the
password is not traversable(it can contain any sequence
you might look for) and an '@' according to the CIFS
specification is a valid path character.

Take this example:


The target is to parse as:

userinfo      user:p at a/ss
server        server
share         share

but there is no possible way to prevent this:

userinfo      user:p
server        a
share         ss at server

or this:

userinfo      user:p at a/ss at server/share/path/to/t
server        e
share         file

Right now my parser assumes the '@' sign cannot appear
in a filename or path. Anyone have an ingenious way
around this problem?


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