Samedit Error

Gustavo gustavok at
Thu Jan 11 18:02:29 GMT 2001


I am Network Administrator from PUC/RJ -Brazil. I have installed  Samba
TNG 2.6 prealpha on my machine. When i Try to create a user with the
following  commands :

"samedit -S. -U root "
"createuser gustavok CETUC-SAMBA -p senha"

The following error message appear after second command:
" socket connect to /usr/local/samba/var/locks /.msrpc/samr  failed"
" ncalrpc_l_use_add: connection failed"

Please someone help me. The user "gustavok" is  linux account in
/etc/passwd and the  commands are executed on the same machine where
Samba Installed. CETUC-SAMBA is name of the domain configured in

Gustavo Klaus Ruziscka

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