Client for Samba networks

David Schwarz dave at
Wed Dec 19 01:59:01 GMT 2001

I've done a whole lota work on NISGINA for Win 2000, as the orginal 
Nisgina was desgined for NT4.0,
and didn't work to well on 2000, until I made numerous modifications, 
I've not tested it with XP
yet, but I am getting lots of Email who use my updated version of 
Nisgina, asking when I am
going to fix it to work with XP, so I guess something has been changed 

This is the biggest problem with doing things like this, the samples 
from MS, are from '94-'96, and
way out of date, and the Doco is difficult to understand.

I looked at replacing or extending the LSA, and there is some doco on 
the MSDN site, but again, its not clear
exactly how you can do anything usefull, as some of the things you need 
to do like creating a local
account in the local sam that is in actual fact a cached version of a 
domain account is not explained at all.
(This is what MS do everytime you logon to a Domain server)


if my memory serves well (I haven't used nisgina for a very long time),
the problem is the GINA layer a)is only useful for interactive logon,
b)has access only to the local account database. So the accounts are
created under the machine's sid.

what's really needed is the internal api to the sam database, or the
functions called by the lsa.


 David Schwarz
 Desktop/Workgroup Section Leader
 ITS, Deakin University
 Ph (03) 52278938
 Fax (03) 52278866
 Email Dave at

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