Auto-selecting remote function type on net and help function

Jim McDonough jmcd at
Mon Dec 3 10:29:06 GMT 2001

Since net will (eventually) auto-detect whether to use RAP, RPC, or ADS,
how should the help read?  For example,
net rap user [misc. options] [targets]
isn't quite right to me.  I'd like to propose:
net [rap] user [misc. options] [targets]

But I'd like to be able to express that [rap] might not occur if left to
auto-selection.  Any ideas on how to express that?

Jim McDonough
IBM Linux Technology Center
Samba Team
6 Minuteman Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074

jmcd at
jmcd at

Phone: (207) 885-5565
IBM tie-line: 776-9984

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