Modification of ACL using NT breaks default ACL on Solaris

Olaf Fr±czyk olaf at
Wed Apr 25 09:45:10 GMT 2001

On 2001.04.24 17:53:51 +0200 Jeremy Allison wrote:
> Johannes Tyve wrote:
> > 
> > The ACL is now changed using security tab on my NT 4.0 Workstation and
> > ronnie is granted full access to the directory but...
> I need to know *exactly* what permissions you specified in
> the NT tab.
Similiar to the Solaris:
[root at venus sda2]# mkdir test
[root at venus sda2]# chacl -l test
test []
[root at venus sda2]# chacl -b u::rwx,g::rwx,o::rwx,m::rwx,g:qba:rwx
u::rwx,g::rwx,o::rwx,m::rwx,g:qba:r-- test
[root at venus sda2]# chown olaf.olaf test
[root at venus sda2]# chacl -l test
test [u::rwx,g::rwx,o::rwx,m::rwx,g:qba:rwx/u::rwx,g::rwx,o::rwx,m::rwx,g:qba:r--]
$$ Now I open permissions in WinNT and see:
Everyone (RWX)(RWX)
olaf (RWX)(RWX)
olaf (RWX) (RWX)
qba (RWX) (RWX)
$$ Didn't touch anything, just click 'OK' Button
$$ Now I open permissions in WinNT again and see:
Everyone (RWX)(O)
olaf (RWX)(RWX)
olaf (RWX) (RW)
qba (RWX)*(Not defined)
("Not defined" is translated from polish language)
$$ in linux I see:
[root at venus sda2]# chacl -l test
test [o::rwx,g::rwx,g:qba:rwx,u::rwx,m::rwx/o::---,g::rw-,u::rwx,m::rwx]
[root at venus sda2]# 

$$ So, disapeared:
default permissions for qba group, permissions for other are cleared, and
execute permission for group is cleared.



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