Samba 2.0.7pre4 compatibility with w2K?

ying at ying at
Wed Apr 19 15:22:52 GMT 2000

No, the clients died with message like "Mix failed: rename
~dmtmp/CDRW/GRAPH1.CDR to @@@CDRW failed".
The similar thing happened with the all the failed delete operation, i.e.,
I got message like "delete xxx failed".

I checked the W2K event log and Samba log (with debug level = 3), it looks
like nothing wrong happened.
The Samba log said all the rename operations were successful.  If there are
other things that I can do to help trace down the problem,
I'd be happy to do it and provide some feedback.

My errors did not happen on a particular client. It happened pretty much
with all W2K clients, just at different times. Also, not all of the clients
die, just some.  I don't know if the speed of network and machine/disk made
the difference. I have a fairly powerful Samba server in my lab. It
is a 4-way xeon Dell Poweredge with 2G mem, 6 10,000 RPM drives, and 1
gigabit card. All the clients and the server are connected to a 3com
gigabit switch with most gigabit cards. I don't know if this helps. But
just in case....



David Collier-Brown <davecb at>@scot.Canada.Sun.COM on
04/19/2000 06:20:55 AM

Sent by:  davecb at scot.Canada.Sun.COM

To:   Ying Chen/Almaden/IBM at IBMUS
cc:   Multiple recipients of list SAMBA-TECHNICAL
      <samba-technical at>
Subject:  Re: Samba 2.0.7pre4 compatibility with w2K?

ying at wrote:
> I ran some netbench tests against Samba 2.0.6 and Samba 2.0.7pre4 with a
> bunch of w2K clients.
> Half of the W2K clients died when I ran against 2.0.6. When I ran against
> 2.0.7 pre4, I had probably around
> 10% of the clients died. The actual number probably doesn't mean anything
> here, but my observation is
> that the number of clients died reduced with 2.0.7 pre4.
> In both 2.0.6 and 2.0.7 tests, almost all the errors occur on Netbench
> rename and delete operations.

     I did a similar test last week with a borrowed lab,
     and didn't get things to break, but rename is slower
     than I'd like. The slowness was ufs, not Samba, though.

     Did the clients die with "... has done an illegal operation" ?
     My failures were illegal operations, and were specific
     to a the same machines in most cases.

David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario   | //
Work: (905) 415-2849 Home: (416) 223-8968 Email: davecb at

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